Drink and Drive

My brother who is working Doha had an accident 2 weeks before.He had 2 beer He and his friend who was in the car was injured but nothing that serious. But the car was written off. Police arrested him and he paid 3500 dirams as fine for drink driving and not obeying the traffic rules..
His company is saying there will be further case but we have not herd anything till date. How does the system work in Doha will we need to wait long to hear from court.
Sorry to hear about your brother. I hope everything works out.
the doc who gave him the all clear could also be in trouble now.
Most likely he will be given a suspended sentence and deported.
anything over 0 (zero) is considered drink driving. Drunk doesn't enter into this equation.
I assume his passport has already been taken by the police.
Right now, he can only rely on the mercy of the judge.He will have to await the court's decision
Very few companies provide help because he is in a mess of his own making.
Also THe hospital which he went certified that he was not drunk ( a favour from doc) but he was taken to police lab and the blood was tested over there so he is confusion whether there will a case or not.
What is the best way to check whether he will have further court proceeding .
The company he is working is off little help.
Thank you for the help and support
Hi Guys,
Sorry it was Riyals.
Thank you all for the reply.
Is it certain that he will be jailed or fine will do?
the fine 3500 ur friend paid is in nayaba so definetly he have a case on him tht money he paid to get relese on bail and now further notice wil come from nayaba he wil get cal n he wil get pink color paper on whch it wil be writen whn he hav to appear in court infront of judge and the judge wil decide its punishment or fine
arseole for drinkdrivin!!!!!!!!!
Could be a Dubai affair.
200 Dirhams fine? Then where was the crash, certainly not in Doha as the currency is Qatar Riyals.
There is zero tolerance for driving after drinking in the GCC. If his blood alcohol level was any higher than zero, he is probably looking at some jail time followed by deportation as well as this initial fine (who knows what the judge will impose extra if any).
Not that serious, only 2 beer. He wrote off the car. He might have written off his own, his friend's or some poor innocent's life. He's getting off lightly.
As for the timeline. Doha courts set the pace, and it is not usually a rapid one.
He made a very poor decision.