Do we have to read this??????

By Aisha-Taweela •
I received this email on my inbox. Is there a way that these kind of emails/PM's can be deleted from the administration? Report the writer to the authorities? I do not need this garbage nor will any other female on QL. Thank you
From: boy_india
To: Aisha-Taweela
Subject: hi
Date: Sun, 22/06/2008 - 9:51am
hi how r u? i am very interested in sex, if u r interested tell me. u will meet one day what do say?
very naughty women really naughty nuaghty
all you bad only have yourselves to blame naughty women you lol.....
people talk like this not suprising becuase many bad women here. they give idea think posible to get s*e*x here.
I dont think Qatari can do anything about private PM's...or can he? They are supposed to be private..Just ignore and delete them....
but to be honest, i just ignore it... it's like to get a junk e-mails.. do you read any of them?
... every once in a while they send me the offer to enlarge a penis .... should I react on it???
lol tolerating this?...he is sick by merely asking it on PM.. (he can do it on board..:D) sick..sick..sick..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
let him be.. much worse if he would NOT be interested in sex...i would say, the guy is sick...
low lying...arse hole... get a life you psycho! are disgrace to your country..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Which I think is just downright sexist. Ba5tard!
"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places". - Henny Youngman
Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
- Ben Franklin
Creep.. setup a meet... I'm sure enough guys here who could "persuade" the leach that this is not appreciated...... Guys... bats and all manner of impliments allowed. \heheheheh
Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
- Ben Franklin
boy + india and want sex,what happened to the world
I get cr*p like this all the time. Just press delete and forget.
i think Gypsy gave him a good idea but may be he is not satisfied
Time Changes Everything
I know one can report dirty telephone calls to the police. Why can't we report these dirty emails. Qatari, as the administrator, has access to the info. I want to keep QL clean and I am not sure it is only me. All the other ladies are fed up of receiving offers. But this one was really obscene.
I understand some of the guys think it is funny, but we women do not.
This is ridiculos better ignore this kind of mails rather making pulic.
ofcourse this is islamic country women are respected here in whereever they are on net or on malls.
the admin has to block this user and they take actions.
give him flanostu number let him call him he will pretend to be your driver. i will bring my lethal fist to knock his balls up his throat
oh my word, how about a little subtlety??
meet up with him and invite me. i'll bring my cricket bat along.
Its no use posting it here, this gives more coverage to the sender best thing is to just delete and forget about it no use getting your blood pressure raised These type of things are common on net world
funny yet an eyesore to read.
its pretty funny
Ya I already got that one this morning. Annoying little pervert.
seen being lonely and friendsheep and massage offering pm but s*x. this boy is ^&(*#^*&$^)#%&^$*(#$%&_$%