Guys who are looking for jobs as customer service rep or collection rep. DO NOT JOIN NEIL DEBT COLLECTION it is a hopeless company where the owner of the company promises u a lot of growth opportunity but it is all lie. The company has less than 10 employees ... there is one ops manager who cant spk proper english or pronounce the words correctly .... wht he is best at is backstabbing thts the way he survives.... when u go fr an intvw u will be told we will make ur future ... u will be offered a position of a TL but the salary will be of a sweeper especially if u r an indian .. nepali or srilankan.... and NDC will give u a ticket once every two years... no one has completed a year there .... its a total mess ... I personaly Advice DO NOT JOIN THESE A*$OULS. NOTE ... I hv wrkd there for 2 months served my notice after a month n left.
When you say '' but it is all lie.'' ...... I ask you who is not telling a lie in this world ? ........
There are people who tell lies at a rate of 4 per hour ........
We appreciate your input Tariq my pal .. We will avoid..
Perhaps the person has worries or his inlaws asked him for a loan .. We must see the other side too