divorce according to the muslim law

Does anyone know if any nonmuslim husband and wife, one of them converts to muslim and then if he or she wants to get the divorce , is it applicable to muslim law. Is it possible to get the divorce according to the muslim law even they are married under someother country civil law? If there is any possiblity for gettign divorce in muslim way, what is the requirement? Please help!!!
Assalaamu alaikum,
brother if you are married in a non muslim law you need to get divorced in that law. And remember, a muslim woman is not allowed to be married to a non muslim man, the marriage becomes null and void. But you should really talk to a scholar. Why not go to fanar and ask there as they will know what to do.
P.S, marriage and divorce in qatar is very difficult/annoying, you are better off doing it in another country
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From Attorneys & Legal consultants Office
It is very simple if you are muslim and both parties in doha who wants divorce he has to go court to submit your application then your case will be forward to consult department if they cannot solve it then they will give you divorce