Deep car scratch removal

Some body put a deep scratch on my car hood while it was in car parking. Scratch has gone thru the paint and cant be treated with polishing or fillers.
Can anyone tell me of workshop who can remove the scratch by touchup paints? i went to two workshops and they were telling to comletely repaint the hood that i dont want to do.
Pls advise.
I have the police report but my question was do u know abt a workshop that can do paint touch up cosmetics rather than repainting.
Someone put a deep scratch on my car, don't know who. I need the name of a GOOD repair workshop that can fill and respray to a high quality. Thank you.
Someone put a deep scratch on my car, don't know who. I need the name of a GOOD repair wokshop that can fill and respray to a high quality. Thank you.
My work visa canceled. and planing to exit qatar by land passing saudi arabia to lebanon. driving my car. is that possible? what are the required documents. note that my family traveling with me too. my friends telling me that i have to go by airplane and that its not possible to exit qatar by land when the visa is canceled.!! is that right??
you wont get ur car repaired without police clearance! go to traffic dept. if you know about the guy! or else they give you two dayz time, get back & pay 120Qr coz then considered to be ur fault.