dataflow report....HELP!!!
Hi! I'm a nurSe technician here in Doha and I already finisheD my dataflow. I would want to have a copy of my dataflow evaluatioN report buT I doNt know how. I already cAlLeD dataflow group and they told me to get it froM the ministry of health here or supRme councl. I calleD them buT the woMan said that I neEd to send them an email for my inquiry and its beEn 3 days nOw and nO result. I doNt even knOw the coNtaCt number of dataflow dEpartment here in supReme councl. Please cAn soMeoNe help me????
Box, Stop your nonsense & baseless accusations . You don't leave any chance to show your dirty mind every where even when you know nothing about the topic. , problem is when you poke your nose on serious forums , lol .
bOxbE And yOu ExpEct khAlli to blUsh? wAhAhAhA!
Zafirah...Khali must be blushing with your cute comment.... :p
Haha lol. Coz I'm using my mObile to post here. Anyway, I already have a job but I need the report for an exam somewhere else. I don't know how I can get it.
Haha lol. Coz I'm using my mObile to post here. Anyway, I already have a job but I need the report f
you are so cute khalli!
if you have evaluation and data flow what you need is a job/ company so you can proceed with your license
lol @ khalliwalli