Crime or Negligence!!!

By kamranhassan •
Its Crime or negligence
Just before few days, everyone read the news about the “Shocked Death of a Baby in the Car” its happened in Qatar.
I will ask from all of you is that not a negligence of the parents leave their kids alone in the car.
How they forget about the part of their body like that?
It’s a murder of the baby, the father should be punished? No mercy for that traumatized incident.
it's a 'CRIME OF NEGLIGENCE'. a very sad and traumatic experience for the whole family. it could be avoided. if you are really that forgetful, put a note in your windshield to remind you that you have your child with you.
how many times the same thing will be discussed? Its easy to give opinions sitting at cosy sofas in leisure of ur homes.....only the Parents would be knowing what they feel, the guilt feeling to the father would be unimaginable to any of us.
Its simply a crime and a neglicence that the whole family will suffer for the consequences of it...
i think it's their faith to live with that pain all their lives we just should pray for here soul to rest in peace and give him patiance,life will be the judge and leave them in their pain alone
Never leave your child (or your pet) in the car!
I see it as a crime, can´t understand how anyone could forget their child in a car.