Hi Good Evening... I just want to ask for some advice from you guys... early this afternoon, i have received an termination letter from our management for reason of cost cutting and they gave me 1 week notice to the end of service.. and giving me also 30 days finding another employer. i did not commit any violation from the company, and extended my scope of works for them. on the other hand in my contract they included transportation benefit which they failed to give me because they just hired driver last month only. what should be my next step or what should i ask from my employer tomorrow when i talk to him? i am working with them 5 months only... asking for your quick response and suggestion.. anyone please help me find the right questions to be asked to my employer..
thank you
Hi.. Can i ask. Im 8 months here now in qatar my employer terminate me with no reasons. Is there any benefits i can get?
Hello guys I have three months here in qatar and I came as driver now things have been changed wat am doing is not wat in the contract if asked why am terminated and given ten days please or advice
If they have not given you one month notice, you are eligible to ask for one month salary. If you find another job now, they should give you an NOC to transfer your sponsorship to new employer. If you exit Qatar and they cancel your RP, you will be able to come back later if you find another job but on new work Visa and then you have to go through all the process of applying RP again once in Qatar.
Last question Mr/s. Unknown Expat... if they failed to give me notice of 1 month of termination? what are the actions needed next?
thank you so much for suggestions
Mr. karlo: I wil advice u to take exit to other GCC country like UAE so u r not banned for the next 2 years and can come back to Qatar and look for another job with gud management....bst of luck and do keep praying.
what will i do if they did not notice me 1 month before termination? what are the things i should demand before leaving the company?
@uhmkhan... so if just find another employer.. should my current employer give me .. ticket exiting qatar . and another one month salary?
what if they did not notice me 1 month ahead? they just gave me 1 week to finish all my job.. and another 30 days to find another employer? and what if i just re enter here in doha, is it jsut 1 day outside doha? or im gonna be temporary banned like 2 years?
Well as per labor law, either party can terminate with a month of notice or a month of salary. If they gave you the reason that its because of cost cutting or down sizing, that's good enough of a reason. As per law, they have to give you ticket back home and one month of salary if the notice period is less than one month. The best thing is to look for another sponsor now without wasting time. Note: Sponsorship cannot be transferred before one year but can be partially transferred after six months. Thats the option they have for part time worker. Use this option until you have full one year.
I agree with nikeprakash, It is not posible for you to transfer the sponsorship to another one before one year. Transfer of sponsorship system take place only if you have completed 1 year with the current employer. Just take the NOC from the current employer and exit the country so that you can re-enter the country with business or tourist visa to hunt for a new job. Just make sure if you are existing the country dont forget to get the NOC from the current employer.
I agree with nikeprakash, It is not posible for you to transfer the sponsorship to another one before one year. Transfer of sponsorship system take place only if you have completed with the current employer. Just take the NOC from the current employer and exit the country so that you can re-enter the country with business or tourist visa to hunt for a new job. Just make sure if you are existing the country dont forget to get the NOC from the current employer.
Sorry to hear this story....Atleast u r lucky since company told u to look up for another job....meaning they wil giv u release......dont have faith in god and start looking for new job....dont argue with ur manager coz usually they r dumb and retards....dont compare urself with any1 there also......jus leave peacefully and find a good job....plz disclose the name of company and management nationalities,,,,r they from palestine, egypt ??? Since u r qualified guy, u wil get good job in near future.....
You don't have any right to speak to the manager and also you don't have any thing to ask them for, quickly find a sponsor to avoid wasting time , but before that try to identify your weaknesses and correct them no need to ask about that your company , cos you know yourself better than any one.
Please note Sponsorship cannot be transferred within One year of your employment.
for your reference, please see below link ...
Hi Karlo,
as per Qatar Labor Law, Article 39
as stated;
The service contract may contain a provision subjecting the worker to a probation period to be
agreed on between the two parties provided that the probation period shall not exceed six
The worker shall not be subjected to more than one probation period with the same employer.
The employer may terminate the contract within the probation period if :
"it has been proved to him that the worker is not capable of carrying out the work provided"
that the employer shall notify the worker thereof before at least three days from the date of termination.
as per your case, if the employer thinks your not capable of the work and or negligent, as per law he has the right to terminated you given the probationary period. if he does not have any grounds to do so, then you can go to the ministry of labor and complain.