charity or donation outside qatar

By saeedjohnty •
Plz guide me regarding the rules n regulations in force under qatar law for donating or sending charity to some organisation placed outside qatar like in pakistan / india or bangladesh. is it legally allowed? or we need to seek any sort of permission/noc from government?
obviously there are number of certified charity orgs. operating since ages in every country. but does QTR gov. keep a registry of all those charity to get permission on an individual level ?
The responsibility of misuse of any charity donated to other countries, is on the donor. For example, if you send a sum to any student, and he happens to use it for terrorism, then the remitter shall be treated as the Terrorist Financier.
Donations to any unregistered or outside Qatar charity house, needs, permission. The best solution is to donate to Red Crescent or any other registered charity operating in Qatar.
There is nothing stopping you from sending money. I would suggest that you do it through proper channels and to a bona fide chrity