changing the electricity bill

It’s regarding changing the electricity bill.
The building which is partitioned into 9 rooms and nine different peoples are staying there and there is only one meter for electricity and water.Now the building owner is forcing me to change the electricity bill to my name. Presently the electricity bill is on with the owner name. Is there any risk for me if I make the electricity bill into my name?
now the problem became bing issue.he had diconnect the we dont have power.he had taken 12 cheacks from us also.they are jusy trying to rule us
you are in trouble tra la la la.
your ip is tagged tra la la la.
your username is tageed tra la la.
so now you cant hide tra la la
hai lasa you are in Trouble
Hai Lasa You are in Trouble
Hai lasa You are in Trouble
Hai lasa You are in Trouble
not a good idea you will liable for the Bill..
Dont do that! If the name of owner is Washim.....dont trust that guy, he is a CHEATER!
Don't do that... If you partitioned the building without prior approval from municipality, you may be fined for that. If you change the electricity bill on to your name, you will be the one to pay all the amount. Why house owner wanted to shift it to your name???
The risk is that you will be responsible for paying the bill and getting the money from the other tennants.
How is it done at the moment ?
definitely its a big trouble if u coudnt pay.. :xd
you are in big trouble for partitioning the villa without municipality approval.