chance to get day off!

hi guys...
i have a friend who is working as private nurse in one family somewhere in gharafa, she cannot go out from their house because her employer sudanesse does not allow her. she cannot even buy her personal things. she uses phone secretly,she's really sad, cause she wants to see the beauty of qatar.
she always asking her employer to give her chance to go out one day and meet her friends and relatives but her employer still refusing. she is fine physically but emotionally not.
can anybody here explain to me the possible worst Consequences if she just leave from her employer w/o having her passport, yeah it's illegal and punishable but i'm just asking. so that i can inform her. or else can you refer a government agency to ask help regarding this case..?
thanks a lot!
you want to help her, then don't advise her to run away.. that will only make things worse...
you guys are right! nwe, i dont play super hero,i wish i could! i play the role of of a good friend, i owe her a lot cause she helped me when we were in college, her employer is not bad what only she wants is to get day off. when i and her uncle went to their house to give something to her, she cannot go out the gate is locked, what we did, we threw the the plastic contains, soap,shampoo, and other personal things. inside their house.
"Sudanese family has a better intention" (??????) -- what's that supposed to mean?
Beware all Ladies! don't go out in the streets of Doha. A lot of sperm are flying around in the air and you may get pregnant!
wow guys playing superhero in the first place but how long it will last...soon they will dump and forget her, in the end the Sudanese family has a better intention.
that's my plan..but i have to talk to her 1st for my plan,till now i haven't reached her mobile cause she keep it secret and off.she only use it when she needs to call me and her family.usually she calls at midnyt so i couln't answer her and she talks very silent.tnx 4 advice guys!
Did you try calling the embassy? Maybe they can help her...
thanks so much guys for ur great advices. to joe, yeah she is a lady,her employer might correct that she may have a problem,but to be pregnant,that's impossible i've known her for 4 years cuase we're best fren in college and i know how conservative she is specially she is a muslim that is very prohibited for her to get bf or dating w/ man.her employer treat her well,her only problem is to get 1 day or even half day off. as young at 22 of age and 1st time to work abroad, she's afraid to complain cause she might not be entertained by the concern personnel like labor dept.
i will tell her all your prescribed actions.
thanks again!
This is really sad. She needs to report this to someone in authority. There are laws here to the number of working hours and she can complain to the labour dept and to her embassy. Hope she gets out soon before she becomes an emotional wreck.
I was just asking you to clarify your question about her being okay 'inside'.
Didn't realise that was not allowed.
Okay then, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt; care to explain your psychological assessment of her being okay inside, if her body is too?
You don't think there is such a thing as mental bullying of this woman, or does she have to be hurt outside to be unhappy? Please do explain.
She needs help... She might one day snap and do something drastic.
surely, the embassy can be quietly given her details and asked to take up her case.
She is being treated like a slave and is probably too scared to do anything. Help her and report her case to ths labour dept
Report the sudanese slaver to the authorities. Name and shame. Publish the company name, and the name of the agency who hired your friend. This could serve as a warning to prospective employees (/slaves). Publish it on local employment forums in your country.
Bingo Joe_ooya
:) beauty of qatar .....sigh
Joe -- agreed.
gotta agree with Qhris.
and as for the Sudanese....aren't these the same pricks that whipped a girl in public recently???? yes i'll paint them all with the same brush, why, because i can.
and as for the beauty of qatar, lovin the dust storms.
The House owner does not allow her to go out , because she is a lady and if only he was a male i think they will allow. Sorry dear so many like you are waiting to get her and the owner may not be prepared to send back a Pregnent house maid , i am sorry it is the fact.
as i remember we here sign a contract not stamp with blood on our slavery statements :(
she cannot even buy her personal things. she uses phone secretly,
this solves the mystery
What they are doing is illegal...she needs to go to someone in authority. She should not feel lucky to be allowed one day is her right as a human being
As per law only 48 hrs work and there will be a day off. Nobody will stop to go out ofter the working hours. She can tell this to her employer and if he not agree, refer to labor court.
so u wana bell the cat