CAR Stereo fixing and tuning

I'm looking for someone who's professional in fixing car steroios and can fine tune (sound enginneers) the sound system. I'm fed up from car accessories shop.
There are just few shops earlier it was SOUND Corner (they left the business), i tried AHMED AL QADI electronics but they just send their installer who did poor job and the one who knows the job well is too lazy to check after installation because of too much customers.
So please can anyone guide me.
[email protected]
As a Sound Engineer, Am Aneesh From India, Now in Qatar. I would like to join as a Sound Engineer. Kindly Consider My Request. I Hope Your Response.
Yours Sincerely
Aneesh Kallthodi
you dont need a technician or 'sound engineer'. all u need to have is a set of good ears. you may adjust or tune both from your head unit or amplifier. do you have amp for your separates as well or just for the sub?
how much do they charge for fixing a new spekaer or sound system ?
Please go to car accessories shop called "Lebanon Rock", near to Crazy signal. If you are going from Toyota signal, after reaching Crazy signal, take right turn. Almost after travelling 100 meter after passing first right, right side you can see this Lebanon Rock shop (before Nissan spare parts dealer)
Contact Numbers shown on their receipts: 77731223, 77714786
I took their service for two times for two different cars. So good sound installation and settings....I installed bass amplifier and bass woofer speaker. Excellent sound with boom...boom sound vibrations. This shop has good technician who can install car audio perfectly. Now i am enjoying good beat sound.
Please check with them.
But please note bass woofer speaker may be required for the good beats. This woofer you may get from Lulu or Carrefour.
Enjoy. Good luck.
The new stereos usually come with a microphone and set of instructions to help set up the sound levels and delays. If you need help setting amp gains and frequencies - i can help. Its a hobby of mine.
Send me a PM with your WhatsApp number
I hear sounds but the quality is too low. I just changed my player to pioneer double din. I hav pioneer amplifier too.
May b if u can guide me pm me your mobile #
Is the sound quality not up to your expectations or are you not getting sound at all?