Car head lamp water inside
Today I went for car technical inspection and they found water moist inside my head lamp... Can anyone advice me where and how can I fix this one aside from buying a new head lamp... New one costs less than a thousand riyal... My car is Honda city 2005. Please help me... I need your advice... Thanks in advance...
Just buy a second hand light from Industrial area.
I failed in technical.. Thanks for the advice... Do you know any shops who can remove this assembly and let them dry it with air...
Try removing the whole headlight assembly, remove the bulbs, from the holes where the bulbs come off, try to drain the water from it or just leave it under the sun for a couple of minutes to let it dry.
When it's finally dry, inspect the edge of the clear lens for any open gaps that can lead for water entering it. If you find any openings/gaps or just not confident with it, try putting a super glue on the whole edge to seal it.
Just be wary of getting any wires wet, so it's just better to leave it under the sun to dry naturally.
By the way, which part did you fail? Technical or Legal part?
nothing can do about it...change the whole lamp....