Car Experts - LR2 Steering Column Locked?

By landloverreview •
Dear QL Car Experts,
My LR2 Land Lover Dashboard shows steering column locked.
Car is turning on, the gear , AC and everything working.
Did anyone of you had the same problem.
Any home remedies?
Would appreciate for your supportive information.
Thanks a million.
Best regards,
landloverreview: Welcome back. Where have you been for so long?
Might be the sensor as just two years ago I changed the Steering.
Thank you.
This is probably the Power steering (EPAS) warning light. It means that either the sensor has failed or there is something wrong with the power steering unit.
I think it just a warning light but I could turn the steering with a little force.
Is the steering column actually locked or are you just seeing a warning light ?
Surprised that there is a warning light for such a thing