Car Accident
I had an accident recently.
Alhamdulillah , both of us did not have any injury.
I was speeding at 130 and hit the car.
I was driving a nissan pickup 2001 model and hit a nissan sunny 99 model.
The other person was called by police and his car has been cancelled.
My case is pending as my father is out of country.
Both the cars have third party insurance.
Iam not sure whther my car can be reparied or it will be cancelled.
The mistake is mine.
How much would i have to pay to the victim?
Hoping you would provide some info
lucky both of you.. to escape without injuries with accident on 130..dunno bout ur insurance query though..guess is you have to repair your car yourself..
hi....check ur inbox plz
This is only use of third party insurance to get rid of the other party loss. You only think of your own. No need to worry about the other party whatever happen to him, your insurance is responsible for that to pay for his loss. You will only repair your own car, if repairable.