CAN U PLS. Check ? Qatar Living? !!!

Hai Friends.. I got this Mail today...can u somebody tell me whats all about this ?? !!
Hi,I am blessing,please how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took interest in it,please if you don't mind i will like you to write me on this ID (blessingapia22/-a-t-/ hope to hear from you soon,and I will be waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you.and also do not reply me here on the site.Please i write to me in my private email box,if your interested to hear the important to i want share with you,
Lots of love!
Together For ever....
(¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´ &
¸ •´ ¸.•*´¨) Miss blessing.
(¸.•´ (¸.
Thanks Gys..
Message recd 2 week back
hello how are you
Hope you are doing just fine over there.My name is Tina. I just want
to let you know that l came across your profile at
here and after going
through it intresting l found you, hope you do not mind. If you are
intrested in knowinheg more about me and for me to send you my
picture, just feel free to contact me at my private mail address at (tina.moses1(at)
Hope to hear from you soon, have a nice day and stay
مرحبا كيف حالك
نأمل أن تكون بخير ما يزيد قليلا على اسم there.My هو تينا. أريد فقط
لتمكنك من معرفة أن جاء L عبر التعريف الخاص بك في
هنا وبعد الذهاب
من خلال ذلك وجدت إينترستينغ L، آمل أن لا مانع. إذا كنت
مهتم في knowinheg المزيد عن لي، وبالنسبة لي أن أبعث إليكم بلدي
الصورة، فقط لا تتردد في الاتصال بي على عنوان بريدي الإلكتروني الخاص في (tina.moses1(في)
نأمل أن نسمع منك قريبا، وقد لطيفة اليوم والبقاء
i got the same mail too many times.....its FRAUD....SCUM......
I get one of these every day. Simply just delete it..
Scam .... Scam ...... Fraud ...... Scam...... This kind of scam is going on since more than 20 years .....
Its all fraud and some body want to cheat us, i also used to get these type of messages in my inbox, just ignore it,,,