Bright Future or Dark Future?

Bright future Pakistani School is famous for mishaps. There was a severe accident few weeks ago. Now the recent issue is the bathroom door. There is no bathroom door in Girl's Toilet. Means no privacy. Girls are asked not to use it. There is no alternate arrangement of it. Their principal turns a deaf ear to parent's complaints. This is not happening first time. There were several cases of mismanagement and their principal never took a notice. I am surprised who made him principal and why. This man doesn't have guts to run a big Institute. He is never available to answer parent's Queries. There should be some responsible person to take charge. Bright Future's reputation is at stake only because of this person. I am planning to take this matter to Qatar ministry and embassy with some Parents like I went before. Any suggestions from Parents are more than welcome.
they dont care about students & the unmature childrens only go their coz of co-education.. co-education is also 1 of their weapon of earning PAISA...
"War is not fought to determin who is right, only who is left".
i had a very bad experience wid Bright future staff..their study plans their way of teaching all sux....they are blood suckers only with no they moved to open another school i wont mension suck remaining blood..leg pullers all of them..cant see anybody happy...i ll ask parents to open your eyes not to let their children `s future be getting dark by them..
as Jack sugested first get the door fixed,it may not cost much,provide basics to students,no one can control natures call and more over it is Girls toilet,they need more privacy,for growing girls to meet atleast their monthly changing requirements.
Later you all can forward to any authorities,get in to their worst stiuation and act immediately
im studying in bfps this is the most down standard school i hv ever seen in qatar the principal ufff he is half dead and half alive he don't know wats happening in the school just forget about the students even the teachers r against him and the vp he is sooo ill manered so wat he will tell the disipline to the students no activities r there nothing is there in this school i think pec is better than this school iam going to leave this school after some days and the principal and vp they can't even answer the queries of parents IAM TELLING TO EVERY PARENTS DON'T SEND UR CHILDREN TO STUDY IN THIS SCHOOL UR CHILDREN WILL GET BORED AND THERE IS NO STANDARD THE TEACHERS DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN THEY R BLUDDY DUMP THIS IS MY SUGGESTION!!!
bfps teachers say to principal that he doesnt know anything he is useless in frount of students he is usless and brainless. :( and the other sir ali he is the worst of all he is using bad language and beating students.u can ask this to anyone from school.
peace :)
all parents that please post your all complaints here and i will forward this thread to Pakistan Embassy and if they not showing any interest so i definately contact to misitry of education.
I think sir.lateef....he looks like DHARMINDRA
that irani khubs?...anteeca
superb, they teach from their heart, not for money, not for fun, only want to educate us but now,,some teachers are very good but mostly are young and ............... i miss my school days and teachers.....any one remember our PT sir....
i m talking about that time anteeca... now situation is changed entirely... that time students strength was much as compare to present.... and there were not many schools... only few, and PEC in the lead....
there are many schools on the top of list...we can't say that paki schools can compete any of school over here in lieu of standard or study... time has passed guys when PEC was famous at times...
lots of complaints about this school, even school staff also not happy with the principal but i think parents should first approach to Embassy and try to discuss with all these matters with our ambassdor, i hope things will be solve.
i hate that school i left that school before 2 weeks ago that,s the worst school of doha.dark future.
peace :)
Parents ...Get a carpenter to fix it......but do this by writing letter and getting his permission (also there is a record).
If the Principal doesnt allow the parents to get it done then get the Ministry involved.
If the Ministry is involved ....most probably they might shut it down at least for the time being.
common problem in almost every Pakistani institute
First commitment will be shown then laziness & negligence...
Very sad indeed. This it the first post i have read against BRIGHT FUTURE PAKISTANI SCHOOL
Where we(Pakistani parents) will send our children for good quality education in Qatar. There are only 3 Pakistani schools and the fourth one has just emerged with very high cost of education. This new school might not be approachable by ordinary Pakistani community
Pakistan main bhi ALLAH pakisatanion ka HAAFIZ aur Pakistan say baahir bhi
yes,changed school name to DARK FUTURE SCHOOL,Then it will go on more profit or may be it become number one school in Qatar