Beware to donate baby clothes

I just needed to get this to the notice of all mothers who donate their kids clothes to certain females who call upon and say that they wish to give for charity,but the truth is that these females acually take these clothes from you in the name of charity and sell them on qatarliving.I have donated baby clothes a no.of times all from brands such as mothercare,mamasandpapas etc all to see them in the sale section of qatarliving after a few days.It aches my heart as I feel a deserving child could have benefited from it than these money makers.hence a plea to one and all please donate your kids clothes to a child or parent who actually need it and are striving for a better life.Qatar has a no.of charitable outlets.Thanks for reading
hmmmn :)
Hi I dont know if you r talking about me but if yes let me clear this misunderstanding you sold me your quinny zapp through a friend you were not at home i was given some baby clothes for charity which I said I will give to the poor in my country but when I came home I saw they were all full body fleecesuits all winter clothes the climate in my country let me say city is not so cold so the clothes were absolutely useless for children out there so i thought i'll sell them here and give the money to the poor out there please by the grace of god I'm doing great and donot need this money for myself and let me tell you the clothes were not sold as it was already summer in doha so nobody was willing to buy winter clothes so i kept them in my store room so I could sell or give them away in winter now that i was planning to give it in qatar charity coz it is taking space i read what you have written if you want please message me and i will come and return you all your clothes and this is a humble request please talk to the person if you have any misunderstanding before writing something like this i have your contact number please tell me when i can come to return the clothes thanks
thank u so much for the warning... n u if u still have her contact number, its better to warn her ...
shameful act
Just for the information .... Qatar Charity although excepts everything in charity but if there are items which could not be used then they sell them & money raised out of those goes for charity purpose too. I hope the lady you are talking about does not work for QC :)
Fine u have ur own point. ppl told u Name and Shame, why u still ignoring them.
Name and Sham and post the link so we can see ur CHARITY items.
and if u don't wanna have a broken heart again, please do your CHARITY at proper channel like "Qatar CHARITY"
and by the way, all my old clothes are gone to CHARITY through proper channel since i'm not dummie to give it to someone who is calling thru the phone. so probably I heard the word CHARITY.
and if u want your CHARITY to be effective adn reach to the real needy ppl, plz for GOD SAKE do it through proper channel.
I believe no more to be discussed in this topic
shame on her.
You can always call 180 madam, and get the numbers of many existing Charity organizations that are known well for their honesty such as Sheikh Eid Charity Organization, and QATAR Charity.
Good deeds never go unpunished =)
Keep the good work and take care.
Mr.Ram thank you for reminding about the garage sale and to check tracks well that helped a lot.I kept a garage sale not a donation pickup.buying something for a lesser price and selling it or even taking it for free and selling it is absolutely fine a no. of people do that hence we have the friday market at one of the souqs,this is pure hard and honest work untill informed but I precisely mentioned the word CHARITY which means I gave it without money and with a knowledge that no monetary profits would be made out of it,and well if you haven't heard of it yet then hear it now.
seems the story is incomplete. Never came across this scenario out here.
Oops! .... Never thought someone might do this kind of thing.
I always give it to Qatar Charity, they are the best ppl to distribute among needy
quite a funny encounter.
Good point, Mr.Sherlock2dogs! :)
And since Muslims are warned "“Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of false tales.." I think I'll just say that I hope and pray whoever is lying and defrauding will be exposed so no one is harmed furthermore.
Or ... She had a garage sale, the other person said they were from a charity so she gave the clothes for free, then they sold them. Let's not judge here.'ve a point there :)
definintely name and shame
I suggest to introduce a comments box under every advertisement in addition to the existing "Report as Spam" option. This way, QLers can comment & warn others in case of such frauds.
she just made a garage sale on friday .. probably sold some items for cheap price and someone is reselling it on QL for a higher price so she feels bad.
Please guys track her account and u would see that she is offering her items for sale in a garage sale Last friday.
And i have been living most of my life here in this country never heard about some fake mommas asking people to donate their baby clothes to re-sell it.
another useless thread.
hmmm, but I hope its finally going to kids only. thanks for the information, appreciated it as I was gonna start calling peoples for clothes, help me lol :P
Thanks for letting us know.
and let some kid feel comfortable and happy and giggle in the clothes or stuff that we donate...the same way our own kids do.
its better calling them & warn them, or reveal their identity on ql!
Isn't that fraud? Report them to the authorities
Agreed with the comment above!
name and shame!
its ok someone will buy those items & the money goes for charitable cause, why suffer :(