Bank Loan - Qatar - 16 years ago

By Tabaching17 •
I lost my job 16 years ago in Doha and had a bank loan - about £2,800 - I was allowed to leave Doha and contacted CBQ from the UK to offer a payment which they refused as it was too low. (all I could afford at the time) I had 2 guarantors and I know one of them paid something towards this then we lost touch. I am due to go to Doha on business and wondered how I stand? Many thanks.
No I wasn't - whether it was due to the fact that my mother had passed away, I have no idea but no I did not have to clear it. I was given my exit permit and ticket and that was that.
Surely you would be requested to clear it off before you could be allowed to leave the State.
Suggest you first clear your liabilities with the bank before you come here. That would allow you to be on strong ground. Don't listen to the "philosopher" Molten Metal. It is part of his "natural qualities" to posts such comments regularly.
@MM,But remember this is one of the most secured country where personal record for everyone is maintained long time, especially if you've ever been working n taken a loan and left without any Bank clearance, there's high chances of you'll enter the country ,then you cannot leave till you clear the whole amount,unless none of the old bank staff/system/record is available..then no issues.
It is not wise to come until it is confirmed that there are no liabilities with the bank. Agree on some amount, pay and get no liability letter lest you reach here and might have to pay all the amount including 16 years interest.
Only the bank can tell you.. I would suggest contacting them or you could apply for a visit visa and see how you fare
rubbish, don't listen to this fool. Wait for actual advice. There is a strong possibility you will be told to pay it up
Taba, You are welcome here with the honours, what ever happened was a long time ago. There is solution for each & every situation, if your present sponsors are strong nobody will ever bother you for being around here again . Errors we make ..... but Almighty forgives .......... ..........