Bank AlBilad Riyadh Strange attitude

Hello guys, I had an interview with Bank AlBilad Riyadh, day before yesterday; the technical panel person who took my interview said I am almost ‘IN’. He also said that they will get back to me with in two days regarding the package and final offer. This morning I received a mail from my consultant who played a role between me and Bank AlBilad. Saying that, the bank doesn’t have Indian Visa, due to the reason they kept me on hold. Strange, I am just thinking what all it’s about? I made a call and asked to the consultant because before interviewing me he said the position is very urgent. He informed me that, HR people are saying, they don’t have Indian visa so they can’t process further. Can anybody tell me what this happening? I couldn’t be able to figure out? Your help will sure make me calm.
it wasn't meant to be...
it might be a blessing in disguise, you know. maybe something better is waiting for you.
chin up!
Seems like just for an experience they interviewed me, if they are not sure about the availability of visa, why should they conduct the interview :-) I did my 100% for this, the food plate was ready, just I was waiting to have it, and they took it back ... No problems Allah's mercy!! But it’s really strange!! Thank you for all your information.
Dear Mr. Quddus, before I was in Saudi Arabia and just last January end I left from there. I know the situation over there. They took your interview and after then it's discovered that they dont have any indian visa in their stock. It's not possible to get new visa for (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Srilanka etc.) southeast asian wher Saudi Govt. wants to employ 75% Saudi national in any organisation. So, nothing will happen for you in my view.
that scenario is typical here in Saudi Arabia.
whenever they need something, it is always urgent. you prepare the stuff complete with schedules and materials to use but afterwards it will be shelved for one reason or another.
hiring process is no different. the management\hr issues an order for recruitment without even checking for the availability of a visa. they interview, shortlist candidates and make schedules. finally, the guy in-charge of liaising (usually a local) with the passport dept will inform you that the visa is not applicable for the nationality they've selected.
sh@@@t happens!