Are the Radars/Cameras (for speeding) questionable?
I have many queries regarding these cameras/radars...
A few of them -
a) Are they set for exactly the speed-limit mentioned? 80KMPH/100 KMPH???
b)How do they work? Do they go 'CLICK' only when the car crosses it at more than the speed limit? What if I am at 200 KMPH till 50 M from the Camera and come to an abrupt stop before the camera and again step on the gas just after I cross it?
c) A specific question - I checked my traffic fines on the Internet via . I see 2 speeding fines on the same day, same road, SAME TIME!!! just 5 seconds apart!!! 1 for QR 400 and 1 for QR 300! Will I have to pay both??? Or is it a technical glitch? This was on the Abu Hamour-Industrial Area race-track...I mean road...
Any info on the above will be appreciated.
When the going gets tough...the tough try Wakra and Al Khor!
well mark there are two cameras in the AbuHamour-Industrial area speed track if you didnt know about it.
No problem, mark666. Drive safely.
That was very informative.
Thank you.
Here's some information about these cameras:
They are made by a Dutch company, Gatsometer BV.
If you slow down before it then of course it won't get you.
If there is a camera in the box, there will usually be a white reflector-type circle in the bottom window (normal cameras only, red circle in infra-red ones). If both holes appear black, then it is likely the box is empty.
In theory there can still be a flash even if the camera has been removed
Many cameras still use rolls of film and these are limited to 360 exposures. The cameras flash twice for every car (Unless there are two in quick succession, when they may flash three times). It depends how often the film is replaced. If you are lucky, the camera will be out of film, especially in a busy area.
They are accurate up to 100 km/h, the margin of error is 2 km/h maximum, above that, 2% of the registered speed - well within the legal margin of error. They are also tested for resilience under all weather conditions: up to 95% relative humidity, and from 15° below zero to 60° above, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The cameras are also equipped with a timer, so that operating times can be limited: to rush hour only for example.
I paid 300 for the month of Jan..speeding on Salwa road
When I asked how do I know its me who is driving the car, I was informed that I should go to Main T dept....cos I never speed except
during Doha Asian games where I was rushin to and fro
On many occaisions I gave my car
There should be awarness programme how it works..And the traffic week is after 10 mnths