Any Traffic Department rules regarding car covers?

I am planning to go on vacation for 3 months, and want to keep my car covered for protection against heat/dust etc., because the care will be stationed for a long period.
I want to know is there any rules in Qatar where I have to get the approval of the MOI Traffic Department to cover the car? Somebody told me so and now I am confused. I called the Traffic Department but I could not get a straigt answer because of language constraints etc.
Aprreciate your help.
You are right to be cautious. The day I left on leave last year, I received a Metrash violation, that my car was blocked. Called Traffic, check Metrash on line, no violation, but on visiting, Traffic Dept, was told I had to drop my car at Indus 52 and Qr 1,000 fine. Took my boss to traffic police and showed my PP that I was out of country. Not accepted as front driver and passenger window cannot be covered. Better to visit Garafa Police station and verify the rules, this particular police are CID and sit at the back. Sorry, dont know more.