Any Suggestion?

By osamabawab •
Good Morning all,
I purchased an external hard disk (toshiba) from lulu 3 weeks ago, then i moved all my personal files to it (pictures, documents, programs which i have programmed, etc)[almost 200 GB]
now the hard disk is not working when i am connecting to any computer. and i don't have extra copy of my data, so what i should do?
It is under Warantee but if i will go to lulu they may say:
1 - we will replace it (but my data is gone).
2 - give it & we will send it to the agency to get it repaired there (but my privacy is gone).
Can any one suggest a suitable solution for this problem?
In case the thought of opening the drive intimidates you, here's the video on how to open it up. The case has no screws, just plastic catches.
Oh and I did use a good paper knife.
Lol Flan...
lost all your porn hey.
I am very optimistic!
lol Sean, "it works fine as a doorstop!"
Open up the External HDD... connect it internally like the usual HDD.... check for Slave/Master setting before inserting...
If you dont know what is slave/master... then dont bother with this at all... just hand over the disk to somebody... forget the pics/and vids of you and your gf.... lol
remember even if you have erased the disk the data is still there and thats the first data these guys search for... so good luck ;)
I wasnt depressed because the only reason I bought a 500GB Toshiba External disk was because I wanted to replace by 200GB Laptop disk with this one and notebook disks when bought separately are higher priced. It cost me AED 230 in Dubai and the disk works fine, the case it works fine too as a doorstop!
Thanks Sean, I will try to place it in another case since it is only Q.R.25/- and if it didn't work then i will have no choice but to give to someone who can retrieve my data
osama, the reason for the failure is that the toshiba case draws incinsistent power from the usb port on your PC.
The symptoms are as follows;
1. After connecting the disk to the USB port the led on the disk lights up
2. 3 second or less later, the disk powers off after some internal clicking noises.
I've had this problem before and the only way I could get it to work was
1) to move the disk to a USB hub that was powered externally
2) remove the disk from the casing and place it into another case.
If you have more than 1 usb port on your PC, try using it on a different port.
try to search here in QL, there are some people making their ads for data recovery.
tinkerbell: it is very difficult,
Pictures: since ultra-sound stage pictures of my son and daughter till now, how to get new ones?
Documents: maybe u r right.
Programs: i have discovered a copy saved 6 month ago on a dvd, so i have to do again the 6 month work.
asif: actually there is a chance coz i connected once to my LCD to view carton movie to my son (2 year old) i can't guarantee what he did to it while it was connected ! but it was working after that
I had the same problems with my Toshiba external disk. I lost my all data.
osama did u drop ur HD ???? may be the platter might have moved from its fittings
@ dota: good choice, i also was confused between toshiba or Imation, it seems that i was not so lucky
how many cables does ur HD has??? mine has two one for power and one for data connection may be a manufacture defect
@ saaaajan: i am afraid to do so and lose the warantee
@ seanC: i hope that what u r mentioning is true coz it is SATA
Thank you tinkerbell, but i tried with no result, in-fact when i am connecting to any computer some sound is coming out of the HD as-if it started to work then it will stop and after 3 seconds the sound will starts again and so on.
@ niceguy: i tried to change the cable but same result
@ Arien and tinkerbell: the computer is not recognizing the HD at all so i don't think that "data recovery software" will work
oh really... cos 2 weeks ago i bought Imation Apollo ext. hard disk from Lulu, that day im choosing between toshiba or Imation.. so i made the right choice.. =P
Remove the hard disk from its case and connect it with any desktop pc . All new desktops have with SATA
toshiba sucks. :P
The toshiba portable drive casing has some serious issues.
It happened to me once and I moved it to a Western Digital Case that I had spare.
It usually is the small PCB that connects the SATA disk that is made by some cheap manufacturer in China.
Buy a new Data cable for the HDD. It happens for a few of drives. Or may be because of the frequent use. Nothing to worry. Cheers.
Contact some one who has the "Data recovery software". If you are lucky you might get them back.