Am i normal ?

Hello everybody, good evening, I am here again. Very big problem now for me now a days. I am talking too much with television. You know? Whole night continuously. Mostly I am watching discussions, reality shows etc.Because i like them. sometimes I am arguing and fighting also. My neighbors know I am staying alone at home. Now days they are looking at me something different because they might be thinking with whom I am talking and shouting to. I am trying to avoid but cannot. I am cautious and ok with my work in day time. But why I am behaving like this I don’t know. Feel so much shy to see doctor for this purpose. Please give me best suggestion to stop this. Thank you very much.
A lot in Doha I have seen people walking on road talking to themselves. ... Start dating somebody or try to be active on Facebook... Stop watching tv and try to move to internet games like FarmVille etc or Chefville :)))
you are normal since you know what problem you have. most of the sick people dont know that they have something wrong, so work it out and find a better solution, try going out, seeing friends, watching other programs, keep urself busy with cooking for ex..etc
@wagr why are u advertising a website that doesn't even work?
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Meet more people, dude. Seriously. If you have real, actual people to have enough stimulating conversations with, you won't need to talk to inanimate objects. :)
Also be careful with your internet, you might just be substituting one for the other (TV). In time, if you aren't careful you might find yourself equally hooked to the computer this time. And then you're back to square one.
Good luck!
Just switch off the TV ....
shy to see a doctor...??? and not shy to post here in the public??? you are seriously not normal!!!!!! O.o
Refer to your comment on forum topic (WHAT IS THE ESSENCE OF BEING A MAN?) I agree with you and believe I had all the qualities of those. So definitely I am not a gay but a perfect man.
Are u gay Ricky Martin? (pun intended)
Thank you so much to all dear friends for your valuable suggestions. After long time yesterday night I spent my time in surfing net for some good things instead watching TV and I succeeded. But I didn’t sleep at all. I love QL and for great help. Regards.
You are perfectly normal! And yeah that is an expert opinion. However, the behavior you are describing is not normal. Indulging in a behavior other than normal does not automatically make you abnormal. In order to be really abnormal, this behavior must be accompanied by a near total lack of insight (which is not so in your case).
Since you already know that the neighbors might be hearing, that it is NOT ok, you already have an insight to your behavior. You need to be further talked to ascertain the nature of your problem, but at best it is just an eccentrism. At worst, it is a compulsive behavior which may or may not be associated with a certain psychopathology.
Founder of Ricky Martin Foundation, Winner of International Humanitarian Award by the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children, Hispanic Heritage Award for his humanitarian work, Award winning work through Sabera Foundation in rescuing three orphan girls from the streets of Kolkata, Named as one of its Heroes in Ending Modern-Day Slavery by United States Department of State , Grammy award winner for the cup of life ( Vuelve ) and more and more I am his fan like many. I think its coffee time. Not slept at all.
some attention for sure...
No, you are not normal. And to make matters worse you choose 'Ricky Martin' as your username.
Lol @ "marriage makes it worse... You start talking in your sleep"
noooo,,, marriage makes it worse... then you start talking in your sleep...
get a girlfriend... seriously... that's just because you are lonely... sooner or later you'll even have imaginary friends like Jay Leno and Larry King sitting on the couch next to you when your watching TV...
i am sorry if i misunderstand. is there any school in Scotland to the people taking to tv?
I have a friend who likes too much intense political news of India ..
Nothing wrong.
You may try watching Travel channnel for a new experience.
sell ur tv get a friend
I am taking up a teaching post next week and would appreciate some advice about what I should/ shouldn't bring with me.
It is my first time working abroad as i have been in the same Scottish school for the past 27 years.
Talk to me, but don't shout
Turn the sound to mute on your TV
I think you are gay a closet queen better show who you are now nothing to be shame
Better to consult a doctor.