Again QA as employer

Is Qatar Airways still bad reputed as employer? I've gone through all the previous postings on this matter and none was positive. But since they were from last years, I wanna know if any improvement has been made.
Would it make any difference to work for them in any of their remote offices, so outside their gunshot in Doha? ;)
Thanks in advance!
money does not
Just had all my questions answered on Needless to mention the fb page QA sacked crew. Totally shocking and disgusting. :(
Some have now started wearing proper fit waist size pants and others still leave their belts outside and pick it up when going home ..
If possible avoid to carry 279 grams [ avarage ] of weight for 9 hours daily.
Not sure I got first part. What you mean?
The higher management is professional and good, but its different departments have different atmosphere.
Qatar airways treat very bad
90 Percent of Qatar Airways staff do not wear belts due to airport security problems. Life is Hell in Qatar Airways
SALAM MM Bhai....
i will goto Dubai on 21st FEB In Sha Allah, If you need anything please Inbox me.
They manage their bank accounts very well ..
Well people hired as managers in Qatar and generally through out this parts are mostly crooks and dim wits who try to make a living of the the people they are supoosed to manage. Being managers is the biggest joke around this parts
its everywhere that the managerial level makes it a bad or good employer~!
...& QatarAirways is way too strict from the CEO level! no Room for Human Errors too!
Qatar Airways is not a bad reputed employer its the employee who gives a bad image the ppl hired at managerial level r all crooks