ADSL Vs Mosaic

Does anybody having a comparison between our internet services's ADSL and Mosaic.I do understand that ADSL is a dedicated service for Internet & Mosic come's with a bundle package TV+Internet+Phone.Just wanted to know the real time experience of our QL members with these services and advise me to choose the best one..!
Requirement :-
24/7 Internet download with atleast 60Kb Speed.
Very good http browsing.
5 MB not 4 even .. if you disconnect all the other services of mosaic and use the internet only.
Read somewhere saying that Mosaic can provide upto 4 Mbps internet at Qatar ? Any logic ?
with ADSL you can select the speed between 512 1MBs and 2MBs and the charges are QR 200, 300 and 400 but with mozaic the internet speed is only 512 but u will get cable tv internet and landline for QR 250
but for ADSL you need to be within a radius of 2.4KM of the nearest exchange/RLU to get a trouble free cable tv