Is additional responsibilities acceptance is compulsory?
Is it any labor law providing rights to the manager of the company to give additional responsibilities and insisting the employee to do the works without his acceptance?
Please explain the above because my manager suddenly insisting me to do additional works including outside works without offering transport allowance or other benefits and also send memo to all the staff of our department that I am the one in-charge for those responsibilities. It was done without my acceptance. Is it compulsory to accept the job even I don't like it?
What to do if I am not accept the given additional responsibilities? Is it will affect if I am not reply the memo?
Thank you for your reply as it would help me a lot.
I think it will be better for you to accept the additional responsibilities rather than creating some bad remarks which could back bite. Accept the responsibility, start doing it and meet your Manager personally and discuss about your extra expenses in a diplomatic way.
Perhaps additional responsibility will come with a good promotion at the end of the year !!!
As long as you can cope try to fulfill your new role. and if you feel you should get compensated for the extra expenses go and talk to him. Just saying no wont get you anywhere.
No labor law I know of. Your boss generally has the right to delegate your tasks and responsibilities.