Accommodation Allowance Guidelines.

By Calin Calugaru •
Good Morning.
I would like to kindly inquire about the quidelines of the Labor Law, regarding the accomodation allowance.
My employer offered me a single room in a sharing appartment. But my flat mate is very dirty and so is the appartment. There is only one bathroom, which I will have to share with him if I move in. That is why I asked for leave-out allowence.
Is there a minimum percentage of the basic salary which needs to be provided by the employer if I refuse to move in the company accomodation?
Thank you
MM is right. One cannot always find roommates of one's choice. You must make some adjustments. Hopefully, after seeing your positive sides, he may begin putting in his share of responsibilities. You can also find someone who could come in and do the cleaning job say two times a week. This could make things more comfortable.
On other hand , take the challenge to make a difference in the life of that ' dirty flat mate - DFM ' ..... move in with him ... be a role model .... teach him cleanliness at the beginning and after that importance of some hygiene ..... who knows DFM is already waitng for a brotherly inspiration to improve ..... Good luck Calin .. !
Sat , 01.03.2014 , 11.10 hrs ...
Ask atleast 50 % of your basic ..... my view only ...
Sat , 01.03.2014 , 11.05 hrs ...