My car accident Hit by karwa yellow taxi!

By k.c.rashid •
(Mostly Karwa Yellow Taxies) because of rickless & harsh driving. what my Suggession is they need to give "DEFENSIVE DRIVING TRAINING", like wise they should know how to Behave & Drive SAFE on Qatar Roads!!
This post is based on an Accident i personally experienced because of YELLOW KARWA TAXI careless driving!!
dear Salsa- at the time of accident am not reversing on the road..(literally speaking am inside the shaded lulu paring space)
i assume this karwa drivers concentration is on the entrance of Lulu hyper looking for customer by the time he hit my car!!
i saw this karwa car coming from back side of my parking area & it happened exactly he right turned same where i am parking on the first row and hitting & damaging my car
thanks for commenting me..
actually what i am trying to explain is that, at the time of accident my car is almost inside the shaded parking facing the front side.. at that time one STUPID karwa driver carelessly hit and damaged my car!!!!!!!! (tell me speeding inside the shopping centre or narrow passage is RIGHT???
why now a days KARWA drivers are involved in more & more accidents??? damaging others private property????
you should wait for the road to clear before backing up, you wanna drive nice then you gotta pay the price!
K.C. you should not be reverse parking at Lulu parking lot, or anywhere it does not explicitly say so.
Sorry, I feel you are wrong, I live near the shopping centre, and I fail to understand, people with driving licence and being tested on the traffic rules in Qatar still want to reverse park, while others are waiting to move forward. (whether applies in your case or not) also maybe the reason for the police to fine you.
Most of the public parking is "not reverse parking"
I sympathize with you on the damage to your car.
Since the police has already given its report, that is final. To my knowledge, there is nothing much you can do about it now except bear the expenses for the repairs. Insurance companies also work on the basis of police reports. If you opt for non-original parts, you may not have to pay anything.