Acceptance of an Offer Letter Responsiblities

By mistilluminator88 •
Hi all!
I need your advice regarding the situation I have right now. I accepted an offer from a company on 26 December 2011. After informing them my acceptance, they gave me the lists of the required documents for transfer and even had a site visit yesterday. What are the possible sanctions they can impose against me if ever I will withdraw because I was asked by another company (Consulting firm) if "in what possible way they could convince me to work with them"? I am just worried that the former which waited and expecting me to join them can file a suit against me or something like they will request a ban for me to work in Qatar.
Thank you..
Yes, it has.
Yes, it has.
Did the offer letter have a binding clause written someplace in the text?
If not OK for you
Basically Offer letter is just an initial document that you accept .. however you always need to sign an employment contract AFTER accepting the offer letter... Companies can sue you once you sign an employment letter but they cant using an offer letter.
Its always better you send them an email, explaining your situation or tell them any other reason why you cant join them...
Thank you for all your valuable opinions...
Thank you for all your valuable opinions..
Offer letter is not a contract you may withdraw your acceptance anytime you like with or without giving any reason.
Offer letter is not a contract you may withdraw your acceptance anytime you like with or without giving any reason.
Usually, an offer + an acceptance of that offer makes an agreement. In my opinion, in case that company wants to sue you, they have right. I recommend that you inform them about your intention to work for another company.
Good Luck
Thanks Aneez. I emailed them the copy of the signed Employment Offer as a token of my acceptance, just worried if they can use this as a legal ground against me...
nothing to worry, a offer letter is just a Offer letter, not a contract to breach,,,,just say them I am not accepting your offer meantime due to personal legal validity for offer letter if you are not joined with them.