27092020-Toyata Corolla Service Break issue

By kevinjackson •
Has anybody encountered an issue with Service Break Rear - Axle 2. I had taken my car for vehicle inspection. It is a Toyota Corolla - 2007 model. The vehicle has failed inspection with the comment "Service Break Rear - Axle 2 Weak. I had replaced the Prpporationing valve however the issue is still not resolved.
please share any information on the same.
Hello brother
Unlike humans, computers can't make errors and they don't lie either. They either work or they don't. The failure of the rear brakes can have several reasons. Worn pads, a damaged brake disk, a leaking brake cylinder ... A good mechanic will find out easily.
Ha! Ha!
Sure, in 3 days time the computer may have had some good amount rest and change it's views!
As for the problem with your car, I guess you did not have car inspected by a proper mechanic but took the decision on your own to replace some valve. I wonder which valve! Possibly, it's your brake shoe that need replacement as they appear to have worn out. A good mechanic can check the condition of the brake shoe and advise you best.
Kevin, It is kind of computer error .... Try again after 3 days ...... Good luck .........