2012 end of days ?

i just came to an article stating that 21st of Dec. would be the end of days on earth, anybody heard about that too ?
Many people are discussing 2012 as the end of the world due to interpretations of predictions contained in the Mayan calendar. The Mayan civilization was extremely advanced in mathematics, engineering and astronomy. They also had an incredible understanding of time and space. Various calendars were in use to track time in linear progressions within cycles. The “Great Cycle” of the “Long Count” calendar equates to 5,125.36 years. The current Great Cycle is due to be completed on the winter solstice of 2012, December 21. So, it has been interpreted that on this day, the Great Cycle ends, time ends, so the Earth must end as well. However, there are different opinions on what this end date really means.
As mentioned, some believe cataclysmic events will take place in 2012 with the ultimate destruction occurring on December 21, 2012. Others believe that the world will not end, but instead humanity will enter a new age, marked by significant changes physically and mentally.
Hopefully destruction will not occur and it will be just another day. Maybe there will be some cosmic transformation. Anything is possible and it makes for an interesting discussion none-the-less.
oooohhhhh !!!!!!! I M SCARED MAN...I hope i shld only be alive on that D-DAY to rule whole world..LOLZZZZZZZZ
Nice post. everybody got stirred hehehe. for me??? QUE SIERRA, SIERRA. WHATEVER WILL BE, WILL BE.
Judgement day which is the end of the world is the second coming of Jesus Christ, when it does u will be judged then by what u did in this world, so fear on the second death not on 21-12-2012.
Second death is the death on the Lake of fire so follow God's commandment and avoid the 2nd death.
what's wrong with u man?! go to villagio mall... climb the giant torch and jump... then that will be ur end...
when we were still in the year 1999 they said that the life will stop on the year 2000...nothing happened!
time is running and we still are here!
so don't believe such things....nothing will happen...and if it will, so what?just live day by day as there were no tomorrow..
hahahahhaha its crazy, remember the Y2K??? they said that all the machine specially computers will not work and some says its the end of the world, guess what we are now 2008 and counting... No one can predict the destruction or the end of the world. its only allah who knows.
Maybe then QATAR will have some snowy seasons ... lol
This is Bullshit.
Whenever the end of time comes, it will come. Nobody would be able to predict any dates.
P.S. Why is this a question?
Sounds good to me :)
Can't complain.. been living my life to the fullest! No regrets!
If it's time to go, it's time to go. Yeah, these predictions have been going on since time immemorial. So what if the world is gonna end? Certainly, don't contribute to its demise but if it's not within our control, so what? Live life to the fullest. Might die tomorrow but no regrets.
i've seen a video about the newly discovered planet " X " and that it will pass by our solar system on that date, well, it passes by it every 3600 yrs, that's why it will be having a great impact over our palnet.
man why are you so frustrated come i will end it for you right now why to wait for so long
Well it is possible but it also just as improbable, lol Take your choice and does it matter, live today like it is your last.
Think of death every day. Yes, you heard right. Think of death everyday. That is the only way you will value what you have today. You will treasure the little moments that pass you by without taking it for granted. Death is not a negative reality. See it as a positive one. We all have limited time left. Everyday, we get closer to the grave. This grim reality should actually be driving us to live a fuller life, a happier life. Every moment that goes by is lost. Forever.
If you live this way then it really will not matter when the world ends or if it does.....think about it.
Guess Arnold hav 2 gear up ones again 4 END OF DAYS, Part II
it will be the end of the world if Palin gets elected on 2012! Joke! (No Offense to Palin supporters) ;o)
hmmm, no specific link, just surf the web looking for the date " 21st of dec. 2012.
i'm not talking about doom day, well, have u ever heard about the pole shift theory, earth then is going to have a new equatorial line, which will affect the whole earth, actually; shifting is occuring gradually but on 2012 it's expected " based upon calculations " it will be an abrupt shift, and by the way, big signs for doom day is about sun will be rising from the opposite side of the world, may be then it will happen as a result of this shifting.
Can you please provide the link to that article? I;d like to see the article.
hey, don't tell me you're actually trying to believe that! WTF?! unbelievable!
Since I was a small kid I have been hearing from my old folks that the world would come to an end based on predictions. Year after year I would hear similar stories like that, and even until now. But doom is yet to come. Only the Creator has the power to put an end of days, with or without warning.