12 tips for having a cabin crew girlfriend

Here are 12 Tips for guys (who are planning to and) have captured an angel from the sky:
1- Plan your monthly schedule and learn to adjust to her time. If she gets days-off from work – she thinks its her week with her hubby ALONE despite you having to go to the office. Try to avoid as much as possible in making late appointments in the office, or other plans for yourself that week e.g. going to the barber, having coffee tambay with the barkada, gimmicks, business trip, etc. You can do these things while she’s out flying.
2- Pick her up on time at the airport – unless you plan to be outside-de-kulambo the whole night. She’s tired and all she wants is to rest in the arms of her man. If you make the first wrong move after she arrives from a long flight, it will take you greater lengths in winning her back than just simply waiting for 10 minutes at the airport, right?
3- Prepare a good meal for her when she comes home after a long day or flight. Nothing will drive her crazy than seeing her man
prepare a neat homecoming. Make her feel like a princess and that she wants to be at home with you all the time. (Ok, now you need to learn how to cook.)
4- Keep one night of the week as a Date Night. Getting married doesn’t mean the end of dating. However, sometimes this would prove to be a difficult tradition to keep if she’s taking long international flight. In this case take the next best date to bring her out. During the time she’s out flying do your research – check out what’s going on in town or what’s the latest gimmick, event, etc.
5- Do her errands. C’mon guys, what’s wrong with buying girl’s supplies? If you see she needs help in this area, be the Knight In Shining Armor. Don’t tell me you have asked her to buy guys stuff overseas and yet you won’t lift a finger to serve her? Think about all the pasalubongs she got for you from those countries. Ask her if there is anything you can do for her while she’s flying.
6- Let her know that she looks good in uniform and that you are proud that you have an FA for a wife. This is one pogi point that a lot of men take for granted: letting your wife know that you like what she’s doing for a living.
7- Surprise her. Whether this be a little gift, or you traveling to her destination and spend time together as a tourist.
8- Communicate daily, especially if she’s on layover somewhere. Let her know you miss her and you are thinking about her while she’s away. (Thanks to global interconnectivity, your sinta is just one text or phone call away.)
9- Manage your finances properly. She maybe too busy to look into this, but create an interest together in laying down your finances in order.
10- Stay in touch with her family. Keeping the ties with her parents and siblings will let her know that you honor and respect her family.
11- Before getting married, plan out, ask God for a vision of who you guys will be 5 years from now, 10 years… 25 years, and 50 years. (I hope she’s not flying anymore by that time.) And, hold on to that vision. Remind each other of that vision.
12- Lastly, there’s only ONE Third Party in your relationship: GOD. If God brought you together, who can separate you guys? Keep devotions together, pray for each other, and let big and small decisions be godly decisions.
Well, this is my five cents’ worth, Gentlemen. Now win her heart over and over again!
First off to the author thank you very much some advice in there has been helpful as for the whole week i have been searching for a article such as this let me get you open...
My girlfriend of 8 months has just landed her dream job as Emirate airlines cabin crew and to be honest i think i've lost my ability to eat or sleep and my stomach churns when she tells me it could be 3 years as thats her contract time for this job..ok my situation i work for FedEx as a cargo security x-rayer jobs good pays crap (excuse my french) i dont receive much holiday so constantly heading to her soon to be apartment in dubai will be out of the question..myself re-locating is also the hardest for me i think than anyone as the only work experience i have is of airport security and x-raying so getting a job as that out there...well havent seen any.
We're seriously going to try and make this work as hey its her dream job and she got it! only drawback is yep probably wont be able to see her for 3 years or only a few days in that...
IF you do all that to make a gurl like u , maybe it will work out but she will be dating u for what u did not for what u are , and remember out there someone can do more than u did so she`ll be leavin u for him ???? ;) its not worth it just be ur self and be picky
tnx guys! ;)
maybe soon il make it up(lol);) il kip u posted..
Thou de subject did mention Girl Friend... De whole write up was abt wify... Gosh, and i thought i cud get a point or 2 :) But yea... 4 a wify, just per-fec-to!!!
Some great tips and advices. Keep doing good stuff bro and good luck finding one QLers. LOLzzz.......
how about boyfriend
maybe most of crew u ever knew are mostly bitches dats why u said their evil..they only want is your money! hahaha sorry to say that... peace lolz
reply to prettyeyez
this is not a rulez .its only a tips for some guy dreamin to have a cabin girl! =p
why does rules only apply to cabin crew girls!! they ain't any different from any hardworking wife or gf and all should be applauded for their efforts in keeping the relationship going..irrespective if she's on ground or in the high skies...
peace :)
but i think angel on the ground is good also! kiddin!
To be honest, If I have to do all that, especially buying the "girly things" as well, then I'll go for an Angel on the ground..
These are all very good, but please, where do I find her????!!!! Start with that at the very least man! :P
You keep writing, just need to change my profile real quick :P
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie