10 Ways to Wake Up Beautiful!
10 Ways to Wake Up Beautiful
1. Get an Early Start
Make a habit of washing your face a few hours before bed. If you wait until you're tired, you're more likely to blow it off -- allowing "toxins and dirt to stay on there all night," says dermatologist Laurie Polis of N.Y.C. Another consequence? You miss the best time to treat your skin. "At night there's more blood flow to the skin's surface, and there's nothing else on your face to interfere with absorption," Polis says.2. Sleep on Your Back
Note to Audrey Hepburn fans: Lying on your stomach is bad for "beauty sleep." The average head weighs 7 to 8 pounds -- a lot of pressure to be putting on your face every night. In fact, many dermatologists say they can tell what side of the face people sleep on by the number of wrinkles there.3. Get a Lift
Sleep with your head elevated on two pillows, or put the headrest area of your bed on 2- to 4-inch pieces of wood. Gravity helps lymph and blood flow so fluid won't accumulate, Polis says.4. Save Money, Not Wrinkles
At night you don't need to worry about eye treatments smearing your makeup, so slather on the richest formula you can. Polis swears by Aquaphor: "It conditions lashes and hydrates the delicate eye skin really well."5. Sneak a Glow
Mix a drop of self-tanner into your night cream or use a cream that contains a bit of tan-producing DHA.6. Avoid Carb Face
To wake with defined cheekbones, eat a high-protein, low-sugar dinner (try salmon and asparagus, a natural diuretic). Skip the rice, pasta and potatoes. "When our diet's high in glycemic carbohydrates, our features take on a soft, doughy appearance," says Connecticut dermatologist Nicholas Perricone.7. Wrap It Up
To minimize A.M. frizz, sleep on a satin pillowcase or put your hair in a silk scarf. "Those fabrics are much softer than cotton, so there's less friction," says Harry Josh, a John Frieda stylist.8. Find Your Inner Ballerina
Pile hair into a twist on the top of your head (use a scrunchie to avoid crimping). "In the morning you'll have major volume and beautiful waves," Josh says.9. Turn on the Hair Conditioning
Sleep with a moisturizing treatment in damp hair overnight. We like Philip B. Katira Hair Masque, but any rich conditioner will do. Rinse in the morning.10. Pop a Rooster Pill
Trust us, we were skeptical. But after swallowing two Wake Up on Time pills at 11 P.M., we found it much easier to get out of bed seven hours later. Created by a sleep-deprived single mother, the pills contain an energizing blend of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins B6 and B12 and guarana-seed extract. It's formulated with a coating that releases ingredients into your bloodstream toward the end of your last sleep cycle, so you wake up feeling clear-headed, not fuzzy.reference: http://www.shine.yahoo.com/channel/beauty/10-ways-to-wake-up-beautiful-4...
"Pile hair into a twist on the top of your head (use a scrunchie to avoid crimping). "In the morning you'll have major volume and beautiful waves,"
sooo true
If you put some serum in ur hair when its wet, you won't get fly aways. you'll find this serum in the hair product aisle at any drugstore. garnier fructis carries some that i use and thre's also one called ic frizz buster. they have them separated depending on your hair type... good luck ;)
marirea sanilor
Shoe - lol/..... Commercial break... One thing I really break well is patience and nerves... :)
COMe for MERCy to ALl Break.... :)
Zhy - ???? When did you see and are saying I need some hair and should not shave....
Or m I the one who is thinking Dirty again... but you didn mean wht I am thinking rt now ?????
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
only the Wizard knows how to use the spells,,,,and black cumin is also part of my potion....lol
we now turn you over to ASH for the commercial break!!!
the alaskan pixie dust works with you not against you.lol
sorry didnt go to the inde day celeb.have too much dresses to finish.
sorry for the hijack
Shoe - Let me Guess..
You fell off the chair... and the bed coffee too ran through the wind pipe.. not food pipe.... lol..
WitchCraft.... ?? Black mAgic... ??
Do you use Black Cumin... or your potions are good for nothing... lol...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
did you joined the Independence celeb? hijack the post.. sorry!!! way out of the topic...
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
i have pixie dust to combat humidity...lol
and ash is sooo into the meditation thingy maybe he needs some pixie dust too....
ash-you need some hair doctor?
Star-- ahh you are beautiful inside out gurl... no effort needed!!!
shoe-- am wondering if the black magic still works on humid weather.. lol...
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
i did that once infront of a mirror and guess what happened next?lol
EVERYDAY the moment you wake up try to look yourself in the mirror... and say to yourself....OMG..... I AM BEAUTIFULLL!!!! if you can shout it out the better...
we do it always altho not everyday, but everytime me and my 2 crazy roommates has the chance to say it and just be crazy...
AND don't forget smile always ;)
sorcery and black magic.....
thats why you dnt know that im a hundred and four years old but still looking like 30.-30 years ago...lol
Shoe ???????
Are you in this Yoga or Reki class or something ????
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
try to sleep without shoes in your feet
try to channel your inner bliss and sleep without worrying about tomorrow,well because tomorrow will take care of itself.
though,i would like to thank botox for my lovely face....lol
hahaha stevethetyke, read our comments way up there, as i replied to ash, i sent the link to my wife back home so that she can stay beautiful even when i'm not around, please don't take it seriously my friend....
ron_ona : "The truth hurts. But the truth cares" (sir borrow ha)
i don't have to worry about steps 8 & 9....i shave my head twice a week.
francism, Your profile says you are Male? Anyway, The site you refer to is a commercial presentation designed to sell products. True beauty comes from within! I tell you this not only coz Im butt ugly, but if you worry too much about your outward appearance you neglect your Spiritual self which gives you that complete worth that true men look for in a Woman.
stevethetyke i hope if you don't mind, the list are ways, it is not necessarily that you have do all those things, that is why it is entitled ways, you can even have your own way to wake up beautiful just like VB just added.. after all those are suggested ways from the experts especially from Yahoo site.. better click the link...
I agree with you, Yes spinal posture is more important, then do not follow that way, as simple as that..
Thanks for your comment though.. Have a good night sleep and wake up beautiful :)
"learn to let go of the things you are afraid to loose....
because you might get a better one."
GOOD LORD! By the the time you've gone through that list, It will be time to get up! And Vivo bonito, Your absolutely right!
Cant say I agree with number 3 though, Its more important to take care of your spinal posture than worry about lymph drainage,imho.
you're welcome Jaryz, it's up to you :)
I hope dracula is still sleeping...
"learn to let go of the things you are afraid to loose....
because you might get a better one."
Thanks VB, i would love to but it was in the Yahoo site. :)
No problem ash.
"learn to let go of the things you are afraid to loose....
because you might get a better one."
Star - Ya.. till date this is the max BuSh we have discussed...
Prayers for Looking beautiful ??????????
dude means Nuns should have been on cover page of all the magzines....
No sentiments pls... its a Joke.. dare if you take it seriously.. as if I care... but still...
as a cautionary Note...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Not to look in the mirror!
one thing missing to wake up beautifully...
each wake up might not be wonderfully beautiful without a word of even just a thanking prayer...
fran.. instead of 10 WAYS.... you must titled that... 10 TIPS ON HOW TO WAKE UP BEAUTIFUL... :p
I am the purest soul ever born on this Bloody Stinky World....
yeah sure, no doubt... but u've grown to be the exact opposite!!! LOL!
yeah, right i believe every word that comes out of your mouth... so to speak...
Aint that the highest level of BS we have ever exchanged?LOL!!!
Star - Its not dirty... pls....
Its how you write.. which compels me to think the right way....
I am the purest soul ever born on this Bloody Stinky World....
I was not born terrorist.... No one takes tht path by will.....
I was compelled to do so (imagine a sorry face :( )...
To save this QL world from Serious Shaits.. and add some humor to it ...
Ooooppss... Did I hijack again...
I swear to AK47's barrel... this time it was very unintentional...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
better for her ash, instead of sleep walking...
still.... beautiful when she wakes up...
"learn to let go of the things you are afraid to loose....
because you might get a better one."
W T H ash??? your dirty mind is pretty active!!!
i aint talking dirty, well not this time.
Star -
"i cant stay in one position all night..." ???
Then You say I think dirty ..it is not how it looks like blah blah blah........ huhhhh...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Beautiful as in Movies ???
Whatever you vividly Imagine, Ardently Desire, Sincerely Believe and Enthusiastically act upon (Put make up),
Must result in Getting up as babeleous as a Girl Next Door (Elisha Cutburg...) :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
francisM, i exert zero effort on beauty and now im paying the high price! ;D
yes i was wearing black long sleeves... well i was the only pretty face on the plane... among the guys, that is! LOL! LOL! LOL!!!
bwahahaha starfaith, no need to do those things, you are beautiful na, (still recalling your face..., wearing black blouse...)
"learn to let go of the things you are afraid to loose....
because you might get a better one."
oh, man im too lazy to do all that and i cant stay in one position all night... when i wake up in the morning all my pillows are on the floor, sometimes i was too!!! LOL!
The post had me worried for a moment.. I thought you were talking about the lady from Ramada..
you're welcome my dear lilBoPeep, yes you can if you are really naturally beautiful :p
"learn to let go of the things you are afraid to loose....
because you might get a better one."
Thanks Fran! Nice post! But why cant we just wake up naturally beautiful - like in the movies?
Lol :o]
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
Francy - :) Hope it works man... you ll be happy to see wife getting younger day by day... )
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
lolz ash, i have sent the link to my wife so she can stay beautiful even i'm not around...
"learn to let go of the things you are afraid to loose....
because you might get a better one."
Ohk so which all chicks are doin this ??
Let me know... and I ll examine and tell you whether their was any improvement in your beauty or not... :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
You can't teach experience...
you're welcome chini :)
"learn to let go of the things you are afraid to loose....
because you might get a better one."
thanks for sharing....
nice "beauty TIPS"....
MyHotComments +
is excellent, no need to rinse your hair