10 tips on how to be a successful husband
1. Dress up for your wife, look clean and smell good.
2. Use the cutest names for your wife.
3. Don’t treat her like a fly.
4. If you see wrong on the part of your wife, try being silent and do not comment!
5. Smile at your wife whenever you see her and embrace her often.
6. Thank her for all that she does for you.
7. Ask her to write down the last 10 things you did for her that made her happy.
8. Don’t belittle her desires.
9. Be humorous and play games with your wife.
10. Be the best.
and Islam tech us always take care of the women
The Prophet (saws) said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt (trouble) his neighbor. And I advise you to take care of the women, for they are created from a rib and the most crooked portion of the rib is its upper part; if you try to straighten it, it will break, and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so I urge you to take care of the women."
"Don’t treat her like a fly."
Does that mean I should not kill her?
"If you see wrong on the part of your wife, try being silent and do not comment!"
That would mean we won't ever talk again.
PrincessSarah let's get married..
P.S.- I am a big fan of WWE
I really think you're a very good husband..:)
Gee!i love it all.I wanna marry now.. & start playing games.hahaha..
It's not an easy thing though..if it's just like a play then maybe all are married now..But it's not all sugar and spice and everything nice..there r ups and downs..and it made me scared..scared to get married..:))
Nomerci can you rephrase that?
Mr. M. that opens the question of "whoami", yes?
Ok Mr.M, if you say so :-)
Sneesy Mrs M. doesn't use QL but rather iLoveQatar.net! :0
Drmana that's your opinion but those tips mean a lot to us guys in particular.
Mr.M, here is what I say:
1.that would be nice but that's supposed to be normal basic hygiene.
2. ok
3. no normal husband would do that.
4. NO....better he be honest
5. Fake smile...no thanks.
real smile..would come naturally if he is happy
6. No thank you or sorry needed. Gestures speak more than words.
7. Lol....he should be knowing that
8. ok
9. Lol but ok
10. He already is :-))
Mr M...on this particular occasion we have no choice but to take your word for it ;-)
BTW...lucky wifey :-)
Snessy why do you need a witness,isn't my statement enough? :)
Drmana do you really think your husband shouldn't follow those good tips?
Mr M...we're going to need your wife to confirm...:-)
Gudone are you kidding? i am one of the best! ;)
..Mr.M.. can u??
Good stuff btw,TFS.
Gudone,only a few good men can master point no 9! :)
how will thy act for the 9th one... LOL... i cant even imagine...
Gudone, I would like it better if hubby didn't follow these. I would rather LOL for most of the points.
haha;.. whos gonna follow it...
The best way is do what ever she is asking
Dont Question her
i will try
I should think not!
Doctors and Nurses is the order of the day or even dungeons and dragons..
Ofcourse the dragon can get a bit cheesed off with the handcuffs and whips :O(
Rofl Khawaga....
Rizks: Like hide and seek and hide again? lol
or strip poker rizks :P
Hide n seek game...may be - in the night ? :)
Also, what games do you mean in number 9? Not too sure I'd be too happy if hubby came home wanting to play cowboys and indians...LOL
#4 should be deleted then! :P
Surely you've got number 4 wrong, wives are never wrong!
LOL Soniya!
Marry yourself. Far Cheaper, less argumentative, and you will always know how to make your spouse happy
If you see wrong on the part of your wife, try being silent and do not comment!
Just wondering what I should do when I see wrong on my side :-(
A lots of LOL for "Smile at your wife whenever you see her and embrace her often."
Geez!! if my man would do such, i would think there must be something wrong with him...lol
posted in advice and help, i think the OP needs help :o
For sure your wife will give you a good kick on your bums...
A ship load of bullsht lol
Dress up your wife, who are you Giorgio Armani? ;P
I have printed off the list and will endeavour to do my spouse proud...
very nice of you, just put it in practice:D
It all gives a look of Aishwarya Rai.Like she smiles in plastic way to Abhishek Bachan every second moment..
lol @ 7...:)
lol WK...
What crap
This should be posted in funnies.....lol