Today, Private Productions will feature movies inspired by personalities in Philippine politics, government, and maybe, show business. As its initial offering, this will brings you a critically-acclaimed opus that has been generating Oscar buzz...
Movie: The Curious Case of Benjamin Burger
Genre: Drama
Director: Jose Miguel Arrovo
Rating: R for foul language, devil worship, and promotion of some of the characters
Plot Summary:
“The Curious Case of Benjamin Burger” tells the story of an elderly man who brokers for Chinese businessmen in sealing government contracts. With the help of his “magic burgers,” he would always win contracts for them. A single bite makes government officials say “Yes!” to his proposals. The only other person who knows the burger’s secret ingredient is his 61-year-old cook, Gloria Kusinera. A rival businessman, Joey Divisoria III attempts to bribe Gloria Kusinera into giving him the secret ingredient. Will she accept the bribe? The film boasts of pillow-soft cinematography from Romulus Nerus, and a lush, inspirational original score by Juno Lozade that enhances the film’s wide array of moods.
Memorable Quotes From the Film:
“Back off. That’s my burger!”
“Approve the burger but refuse the extra patty.”
“Don’t add coleslaw and cheese, bubukol ang burger.”
“Moderate your greed! Stop eating my burgers!”
“Sec, may burger ka rito.”
An exclusive, by-invitation only sneak preview will be held at the Weck Weck Golf & Country Club. For seat reservations, please dial a telephone. Hurry, limited seats are available! If fully occupied, bring your own seats. First 100 guests will walk away home with a burger.