Reflections on Good Friday
Struggling up Golgotha’s hill
In pain and agony
A cruel cross upon His back
That’s bleeding endlessly.
Roman soldiers lead Him
To the place where He’s to die
They hatefully insult Him
Yet He offers no reply.
His body’s weak from beatings
Blood is streaming down His face
He stretches His arms wide
As if to offer an embrace
To the soldiers, to His killers
To the ones that put Him there
To all people ever on this earth
Whose sins He now must bear.
But, His offer is rejected
As they pierce His loving hands
Still, as they set the cross erect
He proves His offer stands.
Limply hanging all alone
His arms outstretched remain
For love that’s unconditional
Is not made weak through pain.
The love of my Lord Jesus
I know will never fail
No matter what mistakes we make
Love always shall prevail.
Never has a greater love
Than His great love been shown
At Calvary, God’s only Son
Made all our sins His own