Paano mag apply ng Family Visit Visa.?

Wake up today at 5:45 in the morning. Me and Jorg(my wife) were rushing for a 6:30 taxi pick up going to The Immigration, in Madinat Khalifa. We go there to apply for my mom-in-law family visit visa under my sponsorship. From, iv learned and brought the following requirements:
1. A signed Letter from my company stating no objction, my ID number and my 1m salary in arabic language.
2. Coppy of my Passpot and ID
3. Copy of Wife passport and ID
4. Parent/s Passport/s
4. Marriage Certificate
5. Birth Certificate
Ive read in QL that Visa for visiting Parent/s is issued only to the Parents below 60. Since Mama Elizabeth is 74years old, I decided to bring along Jorg, just incase we need to convinced The Immigration Officer why we invite Mama to come over. We would like for them to see in person how big Jorg's tummy is, and i thought this situation can help convinced The Immigration Officer to consider.
At the guardhouse, there are two men who check my papers and told us to go to Building 4. Inside the the office we a took printed number from a gentleman receptionist and waited for our queue. Then my nunber flashed in the screen, together with Jorg, we approached a lady officer and handed over the documents. Then she asked, "where is the Application Letter Form?"
Then i remember, requirement number 6. Application letter From The Immigration.
I obtained this outside in a separate building infront of Building 4.
It has "Typist-Cafeteria" Sign on it. I went inside and requested a gentleman to have my documents incoded in their system. I was asked how many month does my visitor intend to stay. I presented my five above stated documents. I also mentioned Jorg's upcoming 'Labor Day' and how her Mama is so dying to be with her Bunso daughter during the Bunso daughter's delivery day :)
After the incoding was done, The Typist gathered all the five documents together with the blank Application Letter. I was asked to signed the blank Applicatoin Letter and paid Qr.5
Then I went back to Buliding 4, get another number, waited and in less than 5minutes, it was my turn already. Together with Jorg we approached Madam -The Immigration Officer, the second time around, submitted all the six requirements. After the docs has been evaluated, MAdam returned to me my copy of Birth Certificate and said she don't need it.
I paid Qr. 200. Madam gave me a checking receipt that states an application number and an email add where i can check the results after 3 working days.
That's it. That simple That's what i did this cloudy morning.
Hope Me and Jorg will get a positive results on Sunday, that's three working days from today. (Of course, ive counted the days minus Friday and Saturday which is a rest days for Government Organiztion in Muslim world)