Basic Arabic - Lesson 2 (Writing Arabic Alphabet)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Gandang Morning.
In the previous thread we’ve tried and learned (I hope so) how to pronounce the 28 Arabic letters now we will try how to write those letters in a proper way and pen movement. Remember Arabic is read from right to left opposite of English grammar.
Remember those writing pads during your elementary days with full of ABKD… and your names that your teacher used to tell you write as many times as you can until your eraser rubbed out and use your slippers instead (lol… it happens to me). This is what you will do if you have spare time get a piece of paper and try to write each letters until you nose bleed.
Again I will attach a link where you can practice or download it, click here.
Here is an example of Arabic writing:
Next lesson: Vowels