2nd QL Filexpat Friendship Bowling Tourney... very soon!
After the success of 1st ever QL Filexpat Friendship Tourney last July 2008, atin pong susundang muli and its going to be another memorable & more rewarding year ever...
Aside from developing our sports in bowling, its sportsmanship and camaraderie, a countless & priceless happiness and friendship ang ating mage-gain and mae-experience so i wanna hear all of your interests, ideas, suggestions and concerns.
This is to invite all Filexpat members with or without experience in bowling to join, enjoy and have fun... as in!
(Those who wanted to be part of this activity, you are all most welcome to participate. Just post your interest on board and let's meet this coming Tuesday - October 7, 8:00pm @ mother studio).