Which engineering field for high salary, less job burden, facilities, promotions etc...? Plz guide me.Thanks?
Hi QL members! I am in last year of my higher secondary school. After completing it, i shall have to go to university to get graduated in engineering. I want to know that which engineering field is best in terms of high salary, less job burden, more scope, facilities, chances of promotions etc. . . . ? I have only 2 months to choose a field. I request the professional engineers to guide me properly esp if i want to persue my career in the Gulf !! Thanks.
Ha! Lazy engineer in the making...what do you expect of engineering...drink chai at work for 8 full hours and expect to be promoted? Even drinking coffee requires hard work...just stay at home...and be a fat, lazy engineer...you're parents might promote you instantly to be a big, fat lazy engineer, more so become a bigger, fatter and lazier engineer. Good luck!
Buddy, noone can guide u in this where u r asking for an ENGINEERING FIELD but less burden of work..This isn't possible my friend..Noone can climb the ladder of success without hard work, dedication and proper knowledge..U seems to be lost somewhere..We are all quite astonished with ur question..
Don't ask somebody, ask your self...Engineering field is not easy..you don't get a high salary or a promotion that easy..you need hard work for that..
hi,relax and finish ur school first.dont think abt job stress now itself..anyhow u will have to face it later in life...no job gives u promotions without hard work and determination...i guess u r still not in that position to understand all this...so RELAXXXXXXXX
Read the book http://www.amazon.com/Choosing-Engineering-Career-Maqsud-Karoly/dp/1449547141/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1257232159&sr=8-1#noop
su hada,why like that you're still a student and you're thinking of less job and more/fast promotions, what will happen to those older than you?will they become your tea boys again and again and again.
come on just go to school first and refresh your attitude or sleep well and dream.
Hey You wont get everything without hard work..every field need your hard work...this is the competative world... the hard work only survives.... Good luck...
Why you need to go for Engg. Sit at home and sell your dreams
Dream Engineering-this is the best field you should persue.
Only your interest will guide you, Also, you cannot jump into an engineering field without hard work.
Qatari Engineer(ing) .... Whatever!!!