Which bio/environmental science PG is of highest demand in qatar in research & industrial sector career wise?
I am an lifescience graduate who have had research experience in soil and water conservation measures and i am residing in london at present.I would like to do my postgraduation as I believe it will be help me career wise especially in research sector which i am more intrested in. However I am confused in which subject to do my postgraduation.My basic degree being a vast feild give me a wide range of options in differant topics of biology(microbiology, biotechnology,biochemistry, plant genetics, food science and nutrition), chemistry (soil chemistry,agrochemicals), environmental science (environmental conservation, ecology, geology) and even in economics sectors and I am personaly intrested in all these.:S..:).
So I would like to know which bio/life/environmental science degree is of highest demand in qatar in both research and industrial sector as i am planning to settle in qatar within 4-5 years.
The academic research field is just beginning in Qatar. I'm afraid it's too early to tell! Maybe in a few years some trends will become obvious.