teachers salary in indian schools
indian school teachers salary are very low. Now good teachers are leaving indian school and join in independent schools. what is happening childrens in indian schools, they are loosing the good Gurus. Why can't they think to increse their salary.
Schools looking only profits ?
NO -social responsiblity?
all of you who favour malayali must know that you people speak malayali first and hindi at second stage. if any one ask you, where are you from/ prompt reply will be- i am from kerala and not from india. so you have basically no love for india where you were born.
I respect every human being. It is only you people who have no love for people other than malayalis.
bye. good luck
Up course everyone come here to live
good life and earn little money for future,
money mafias in the management are more
hungry to make money ?
yes. this is great idea. we must suggest indian embassy. but oh no. till now the ambassador George Joseph is also Mallu.
A lady named Deepa Wadhwa Gopalan is soon joining. Let us see, how is her working?
doha... is right Modern Mallu School!
that is why quality of education in indian schools is eroding day by day. Soon a day will come when only mallu teachers will stay and rest good and educated teachers will join other non keralite schools.
Here three schools specially MES, Ideal Indian and Birla School are basically Kerala dominated schools and i suggest following names for them.
MES- MES Kerala school, Ideal Kerala School and Birla Kerala School.
Any one to second?.
Most of the Indian school teachers are just house-wives. They are finding the grass greener on other side however, they come back after facing discrimination.