Social Sciences in Qatar ???
Salam Alaykoum,
There is a probability that I can come and live in Doha for one year. Anyway....
For a long time, I'm searching for universities, theri departments and also libraries in Qatar. If I'm not wrong, an important priority is given to the natural sciences in Qatar education system. It's very easy to understand the rationale behind this because Qatar is an petrolium extracting country so economy is an important drive when the education is determined and Qatar tries to construct its own national staff to manage economy in Qatar. I'm a political science M.A. student and I couldn't find much social science departments in Qatar Universities. In fact, in libraries, I couldn't find much sources on social sciences.
If this observation is not wrong or lack, I think this is an important problem because social science is as more important as natural sciences. A country needs historians who will emancipate national history from the writings of the foreigners, a country needs sociologues, political scientists, etc. to construct a better society. The Islamic Studies -I think- are in a good situation in Qatar but further works are necessary to construct a good environment for social sciences because Qatar needs social scientist to present Qatar as well as the engineers who will extract and process the main element of the Qatari economy...
An interesting approach. I think there are many reasons for Qatar to dwell on Social Sciences. Ibn Khaldun, father of sociology from many perspectives, was a great sociologue and the methodology he used in his time was the first to observe and analyse society by an handcraft of a modern time sociologue. Therefore, Arabs states and Qatar also should focus on this issue. It never makes Qatar a Medieval slave state. If we leave this job to always Europeans, yeah, we remain always a slave state...
A cuntry like Qatar won't be interested in having sociologists analyzing society. It would only show that Qatar is a medieval slave state.