QP Offer

I was interviewed by QP for a Financial Analyst role during end Jan 2011. Though I have still not received any offer letter from them but they indicated that they will offer the position to me, what they mentioned is that they also cover the education cost for my kids but will give schooling in my community school while i m from sub continent at the moment my kids r going in british school here in dubai and i would want them to continue in british school in qatar as well.
I requested them to pay me for british school which they said they will try. Does anyone know if they will make this exception, do they generally make exceptions or not?
Appreciate your advices.....
333, How u can say "sure u'll get for British schooling" without knowing his nationality and status of job. Read his post carefully, QP offered schooling in his community school and on his asking for British school, they said would will try. Since QP management are not giving any assurance, why u?
kei at Qatar's post is ok, QP would not pay all fees for British schools.
Now I suggest QP is one of the best company in the Gulf region, since you joining as Senior staff, do not worry, join and will get very good benefit.
All the best,
Welcome to Qatar.
If you are going to live in Mesaieed or Dukhan then no need to worry because QP has its own british school in these two cities. So your kids will be automatically elligible for these schools. All teachers are native speakers and it's totally free for QP staff.
Make sure any exception is clearly understood and in writing and in your contract. I am sure QP is an ethical employer but sometimes issues are "misunderstood" by one or both parties actually involved in the negotiations and then problems arise. If it's written down, no room for misunderstandings or misinterpretation.
Hi,my hearty welcome to QP,Dont worry about tht sure u'll get for British schooling.Once again welcome to QP.
Exception usually is belong to westerner, and even not fully paid Your Kid's tuition fee, If you can still made-through the British stream, cause they have a cap on tuition fee.