Career guidence needed - MBA related...confused ???

I am done with B.Com and now planning for MBA, being two options left of my interest.. Information technology and Human resources.. Now being born n bought up in Doha-Qatar and working in a Q-company being the desired/dream work place in future... I wanted some advice as to which field is better MBA HR or MBA IT.. i no the fact that they are two separate fields but i would prefer to chose that has better scopes in QATAR in future.. So would be grateful if someone could advice as per them and how would MBA in IT & HR help me.. TANKS a LOTTT....
+919895100188, +919497775323 OR Email [email protected] for more details.
Doing M.B.A is good, its as good as cherry on the Ice Cream, in places like Qatar what I have personally seen is that experience wins over qualification. If you possess lets say 5 years work experience being a graduate and you are fresher in M.B.A Qualification, the experience wins over.
I have personally done M.B.A (International Business) its covers almost all the concepts of Office Management, Personnel Management, Logistics Management and so on.
Its up to you, with what you prefer. If you decide to move on from Doha at a later stage of time, i would recommend you to do an M.B.A in your suitable field. HR is good and so is Marketing.. Good Luck
sorry, i meant zuha is correct
zahir is correct, follow your passion as that's where you will do good.
i tried MBA but i thought it was not for me and took up another course.
just keep in mind that aside from having the degree and title, what matters most is, whether its on IT or HR, you enjoy school and wont feel it like its a burden.
have fun learning..
good luck!
Go for MBA in HR if you so desire, its worth it...but what is MBA in IT??? There is nothing like that.
hi friend,
You can have MBA in Marketing, Finance, HR, Retail, International Business etc. But I haven't heard of MBA in IT. May be you are misadvised.
If you have flare for HR, then it is a good option.
Best of Luck.
if at all you wanna do MBA, choose the specialisaion which you believe you are good in or subjects which interests you, rather than choosing a subjects based on scope...honestly speaking there is a scope for everything...what matter is how good you are in it..n how you see your fit in it..
You use the word 'career' in your title, but don't mention it in your question.
My advice would be - employers prefer people with actual workplace experience.
A 25 year old with a Bachelors and Masters but no meaningful workplace experience isn't someone employers generally bother with. They would prefer a 25 year old with a Bachelors and 5 years on the job experience.
MBAs were designed for, and still best suited for, people who have worked for 10 or 15 years in industry and want to further their management skills.
My advice would be not to do the MBA at all. In this economic climate employers don't want to pay for staff with post graduate degrees who don't have any proven track record of on the job achievement.