best schools in Doha

By salmankazmi_2000 •
Pls advise on the folowing schools for the admission of my daughter:
Park House, Al Maha, Al Jazeera academy, Compass Int. school, Int school of london, Newton english school, Qatar Int. school, and Gulf English school.
Pls advise on the overall best school for a child to start in the British curriculum. How does the IB cuuriculum work?
Try doha College. Definitly Stay away from international school of london. I
The international school of london is one of most expensive schools in Doha and yet the worst by far. Everyone i know attending the international school of London in Doha is about to leave the school.
Poor education and a total waste of our kids time to send them to this school. Stay away of this school and try other ones. Such as Global, Doha College, DESS.
We and our friends had a terrible experience in regards to learning. Some of us managed to send the kids to other school and some are looking for places for their kids.
My children are currently in Compass International School, and I can say they are really fantastic. They enjoy their studies and staffs are very friendly.
You need to give more specific details about your nationality and ages of kids as different schools have different strengths. This will also help people adivise your chances of getting in
All the schools listed are OK to meexcept for ALJazeera Academy - which I don't know much about