Ashrae Handbook and Duct Calculator
Anyone has this Ashare Handbook and any software to calculate Duct Sizes or any useful HVAC Software. Please write me an email if you want to sell. [email protected]
Anyone has this Ashare Handbook and any software to calculate Duct Sizes or any useful HVAC Software. Please write me an email if you want to sell. [email protected]
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You can communicate with me regarding the local ASHRAE chapter in Doha and other ASHRAE related issues on [email protected]
Me too please. Let me know. Additionally, I have been frantically trying for similar hand books which could be of use to MEP construction. Like Audels guide, Electrical, plumbing etc.
Any information welcome please.
Me too please. Let me know. Additionally, I have been frantically trying for similar hand books which could be of use to MEP consruction. Like Audels guide, Electrical, plumbing etc.
Any information welcome please.
Hi there!! I am interested in as well.. if you find smth let me know...