where can i get repaired my sony ericsson mobile phone

By namal_akash •
My mobile is sony ericsson k550i. since few days it is not functioning properly. the problem i have is that i can't see anything on screen but a white screen. i kep the mobile switched off for 3 days but still have same problem. so i need to get sorted out this soon
Give me a call in 5819310 ... i will guide u
drop it and go for a new one , servicing the new generaition electro-digital items are not successful.
its my own opinion..
Mobile phone repairs
On 2 separate occasions I have had phones repaired at the various mobile shops on Al Mirqab (where Doha Clinic and Turkey Central restaurant are) Street. From C ring going towards Ramada signal, turn right at Hardee's restaurant. Go almost to the end of the street, past Family Food Center and there are a bunch of mobile phone places. One is called King mobile. If one of the shops can't fix it, they will just send you to another shop right there on the same street.
You can repair your Sony Ericsson in Souq Najada, near Arab R/A. There's an exclusive service centre run by Sony Ericsson.