Where can I buy goat's milk in Doha?

I did a search of Qatar Living and found a thread from last year where someone said you may be able to get goat's milk in Al Meera. Can anyone confirm this, or know of anywhere else where goat's milk is sold?
I have a house guest who has an allergic reaction dairy products and although soy milk is OK, she would prefer goat's milk.
hi go to sheep market they will give you their fresh fresh
Thanks you two! Sounds like my sis will have to stick with soy milk. She says the brand she's bought here is nice, so ...
I may take a look in MegaMart/PriceRite tomorrow anyway, just out of curiosity. :D
i suggest you buy a goat and then milk it any time you want FOR FREE.
I'd bought goat's milk from Mega Mart a few months ago, but although it hadn't gone past its use by date, it had gone off badly!